Thursday, December 29, 2011

Memorable Gifts

Reverb Day 25: Most Memorable Gift

OK, so I am not only behind but also out of order. Anyway....

The most memorable gift I have EVER received happened on November 20, 2009. It was the gift of motherhood. No, I did not give birth that day but I was chosen by my son's birth-mom to parent him. In the space of 6 hours I went from a relatively laid back existence to being a single mother. Some might say that my son was the gift but those who know me know that I am ferocious about positive adoption language - my son is not an object that someone decided to wrap and give me with a hug and kiss. But his birth-mom's decision to place him for adoption, to make a plan that was in his best interest and in turn, make me a mom, was in fact a gift that only those who have gone through the adoption journey (roller coaster, tidal wave, hoop-jumping - take your pick) can truly understand.

Now, when I was sleep deprived, depressed and quite insane the first 6-months or so, I may not have realized exactly how precious this gift is. I was just trying to survive and not accidentally hurt or kill The Bug. But once the dust settled and he started sleeping through the night, and I went back to work and talked to other adults, I could actually think about this and understand the enormity of decisions made, hard ones, painful ones. Once I met his birth-mom and had the opportunity to say thank you in person, I was overcome by this one woman's strength and spirit and mostly her gift - the gift of motherhood.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love this, Francesca and I especially love reading this today as we celebrate the 3rd year anniversary of our adoption being approved. Sending mad love to you and The Bug. Rosie
