Thursday, December 29, 2011

Shake, Shake, Shake

Reverb 11: Day 29 Shaking things up next year

What can I do to shake things up next year? Try a new hair color? Go sky diving (so not going to happen)? Wear shorter skirts?

None of the above. My answer is surprisingly boring to some but major to me. I am going to actually try dating again. Now, before you get excited thinking I have someone in mind, I don't. I have been single for 2.5 years and in that time I have become a mom. Not a whole lot of time for even meeting people. Never mind the fact that I am exhausted on a good day. Who has the time and energy for dating? Apparently lots of people do. People with kids, people without kids, people who are older than me, younger than me, and even my father managed to date and re-marry about 15 years ago - and this was before Internet dating.

So I am going to try. Not quite sure how though I may, maybe, just might, sort of kind of, try the Internet since I know way too many wonderful, intelligent, fabulous people who have found partners on-line. I am also going to try and get out a wee bit ore. OK, going out 2X a year would be a lot more for me. Baby steps, OK?

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